Need A Hallandale Criminal Lawyer?

Arrested In Hallandale Beach Florida?

Need A Hallandale Criminal Defense Attorney?

Do You Want A  Hallandale Criminal Lawyer Who Will Fight For You?

When your freedom is at stake, you need a criminal defense lawyer who will fight for you. Over the years I have developed a  reputation for tenacity. But, a good  criminal defense lawyer needs more then tenacity. He or she  must be sensitive to what you and your family are going thru right now.  Choices will need to be made and you will need help figuring this whole thing out.  Choosing a criminal defense lawyer is like  a roadmap with many choices, hooks and curves.

I have been called a solid criminal lawyer. In the gym solid means a body of steel that id not  flabby and does not jiggle. Rest assured my criminal defense for your case will be solid as a rock and not jiggle one bit. I have a reputation for being sensible and that is why  my clients trust me.                

 I Am An Experienced Hallandale  DUI Defense Lawyer

I have helped people with a suspended license for a DUI arrest
I have a special interest in DUI first offenders and habitual offenders
I am an experienced DUI felony defense lawyer,
manslaughter and vehicular homicide lawyer and a

I have helped people accused of: murder, rape, arson, sale of illegal drugs, grand theft, kidnapping and most felony charges.

I have helped people accused of:

Assault anf Battery
Domestic Violence
Disorderly Conduct
Driving Under the Influence
Marijuana Possession (Cannabis Possession)
Petty Theft
First Offense Prostitution
Resisting an Officer without Violence
Criminal Mischief
Disorderly Conduct
Indecent exposure
Lewd behavior
Marijuana possession (under twenty grams)
Possession of drug paraphernalia
Ticket Scalping

Call me and let's discuss your case